Pickled Eggs

Patent Title: Pickled Eggs


The pickled eggs is a product made from Philippine native egg that has been soaked in a special mixture of brine solution to give it a unique flavor and texture. The pickling process gives the egg a slightly sour, sweet and spicy taste that pairs well with other dishes. It is often enjoyed and served as a tasty snack, appetizer or added to salads and sandwiches to add flavour. One of the great things about it is that it has a longer shelf life than regular eggs. The process helps preserve the eggs, with shelf life of 1 year and 6 months. and snacks. It is also, an excellent source of many nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Innovative Features & Benefits:

The pickled egg is an innovation formulated to preserve the eggs and add flavor with a combination of sweet, sour and spicy flavors. It has a complete formulation in terms of the process to achieve the perfect quality of the product.

Business Potential:

The pickled eggs industrial application lies in the poultry industry and food manufacturing industry, particularly in the production and distribution of eggs for commercial sale. It can be produced in large quantities and packaged for retail or food service purposes. It is currently available at the MMSU Marketing Center, SIP HUB Cafe, and being exhibited at tradefairs within or outside the locality. This is also one of the MMSU products distributed by business partners such as Hotels and cooperatives. They are commonly sought after by individuals who appreciate the unique flavor and texture of pickled foods. Additional it can be used as an ingredient in the food service industry. Restaurants, delis and catering services often utilize it to enhance the flavor profiles of their food offerings. Also the target market of pickled native eggs are the local residents, especially health-conscious consumers, local and foreign tourists who are looking for a unique taste and healthy food products.

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